
CreateTopoGeom — 从拓扑元素数组创建新的拓扑几何对象 - tg_type: 1:[multi]point, 2:[multi]line, 3:[multi]poly, 4:collection


topogeometry CreateTopoGeom(varchar toponame, integer tg_type, integer layer_id, topoelementarray tg_objs);

topogeometry CreateTopoGeom(varchar toponame, integer tg_type, integer layer_id);


为由 layer_id 表示的图层创建拓扑几何对象,并在 toponame 模式下的关系表中注册它。

tg_type 是一个整数:1:[multi]point(点状),2:[multi]line(线状),3:[multi]poly(面状),4:collection。 layer_id 是拓扑结构中 layer 表的图层 ID。


省略组件数组会生成一个空的 TopoGeometry 对象。



在 ri_topo 模式下为图层 2(我们的 ri_roads)创建拓扑几何,类型(2)为 LINE,用于第一个边(我们在 ST_CreateTopoGeo 中加载)。

INSERT INTO ri.ri_roads(road_name, topo) VALUES('Unknown', topology.CreateTopoGeom('ri_topo',2,2,'{{1,2}}'::topology.topoelementarray);


假设我们有一些几何图形,应该由一组面组成。例如,我们有 blockgroups 表,并希望了解每个区组的拓扑几何。如果我们的数据完全对齐,我们可以这样做

-- create our topo geometry column --
SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn(
	'boston', 'blockgroups', 'topo', 'POLYGON');

-- addtopgeometrycolumn --

-- update our column assuming
-- everything is perfectly aligned with our edges
UPDATE boston.blockgroups AS bg
	SET topo = topology.CreateTopoGeom('topo_boston'
        , foo.bfaces)
FROM (SELECT b.gid,  topology.TopoElementArray_Agg(ARRAY[f.face_id,3]) As bfaces
	FROM boston.blockgroups As b
            INNER JOIN topo_boston.face As f ON b.geom && f.mbr
        WHERE ST_Covers(b.geom, topology.ST_GetFaceGeometry('topo_boston', f.face_id))
            GROUP BY b.gid) As foo
WHERE foo.gid = bg.gid;
--the world is rarely perfect allow for some error
--count the face if 50% of it falls
-- within what we think is our blockgroup boundary
UPDATE boston.blockgroups AS bg
	SET topo = topology.CreateTopoGeom('topo_boston'
        , foo.bfaces)
FROM (SELECT b.gid,  topology.TopoElementArray_Agg(ARRAY[f.face_id,3]) As bfaces
	FROM boston.blockgroups As b
            INNER JOIN topo_boston.face As f ON b.geom && f.mbr
        WHERE ST_Covers(b.geom, topology.ST_GetFaceGeometry('topo_boston', f.face_id))
 (  ST_Intersects(b.geom, topology.ST_GetFaceGeometry('topo_boston', f.face_id))
            AND ST_Area(ST_Intersection(b.geom, topology.ST_GetFaceGeometry('topo_boston', f.face_id) ) ) >
                ST_Area(topology.ST_GetFaceGeometry('topo_boston', f.face_id))*0.5
            GROUP BY b.gid) As foo
WHERE foo.gid = bg.gid;

-- and if we wanted to convert our topogeometry back
-- to a denormalized geometry aligned with our faces and edges
-- cast the topo to a geometry
-- The really cool thing is my new geometries
-- are now aligned with my tiger street centerlines
UPDATE boston.blockgroups SET new_geom = topo::geometry;


AddTopoGeometryColumn, toTopoGeom ST_CreateTopoGeo, ST_GetFaceGeometry, TopoElementArray, TopoElementArray_Agg