ST_SetBandNoDataValue — 设置给定波段中表示无数据的数值。如果未指定波段,则假定为波段 1。要将波段标记为没有无数据值,请将无数据值设置为 NULL。
raster ST_SetBandNoDataValue(
raster rast, double precision nodatavalue)
raster ST_SetBandNoDataValue(
raster rast, integer band, double precision nodatavalue, boolean forcechecking=false)
设置表示波段中无数据的数值。如果未指定,则假定为波段 1。这将影响 ST_Polygon、ST_DumpAsPolygons 和 ST_PixelAs...() 函数的结果。
-- change just first band no data value UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,1, 254) WHERE rid = 2; -- change no data band value of bands 1,2,3 UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue( ST_SetBandNoDataValue( ST_SetBandNoDataValue( rast,1, 254) ,2,99), 3,108) WHERE rid = 2; -- wipe out the nodata value this will ensure all pixels are considered for all processing functions UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,1, NULL) WHERE rid = 2;