ST_MakeBox2D — 创建由两个 2D 点几何图形定义的 BOX2D。
box2d ST_MakeBox2D(
geometry pointLowLeft, geometry pointUpRight)
创建由两个点几何图形定义的 box2d。 这对于进行范围查询非常有用。
--Return all features that fall reside or partly reside in a US national atlas coordinate bounding box --It is assumed here that the geometries are stored with SRID = 2163 (US National atlas equal area) SELECT feature_id, feature_name, geom FROM features WHERE geom && ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(-989502.1875, 528439.5625), ST_Point(-987121.375 ,529933.1875)),2163)